1.Learn  English sentences per day

It's important not to try to learn too many at once. Instead of learning a lot, try to learn deeply.It doesn't matter which sentence you learn first. Just pick whatever you're interested in

2.Repeat them until you've memorized them

The goal is to memorize each sentence. You do that by repeating it again and again until it gets stuck in your brain.you can read it out loud to yourself.

Don't worry about understanding every word and phrase in the sentence. Just try to remember it and imagine yourself in the situation that's described.

3.Review and expand

After you've learned your new sentences for the day, go back and review 1-3 days of the sentences that you learned before.

This is the time to read the explanations for phrases that you don't understand well. You can also look them up in the dictionary and find the related articles to read.

4.Use English in the real world

This part is very, very important. You have to use English in real situations.

Do something in English. Talk to people. Participate in online communities. Watch movies. Whatever.

You will notice the phrases and sentences that you've learned in different places. The more that you hear them, the more you will understand them. Eventually, you will be confident using them yourself.


Come back and repeat steps 1-4 again the next day.

Do it every day, not just once or twice a week.


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