China to promote labor pain relief methods at over 900 pilot hospitals

China will promote pain relief methods during labor and delivery at over 900 pilot hospitals, with the list to be released soon, according to the National Health Commission Monday.

How to clean your teeth properly

You need to systematically go round all the surfaces of your teeth with fluoride toothpaste, for at least two minutes, twice a day. Unfortunately, we live such busy lives that putting two minutes aside feels like a lifetime for some people.


cesarean delivery rates 刨宫产率
labor 劳动,分娩,工作
pilot hospital 试点医院
dilivery 助产者
drop the idea 打消念头
painless labor 无痛分娩
cesarean 破腹产
release 发布
fable 寓言
NHS=National Health Commission 中国健康协会
for the nationawide promotion 向全国推广

转floss 牙线
interdental 齿间的
gum disease 牙龈病
hygienist 口腔卫生
spit 吐唾沫
rinse 漂洗 漱口
mouthwash 漱口水
fluoride 氟的
stain 着色 在……上留下污垢
bacteria 细菌
tablet 药片
heal 复原 治愈
scrub 擦洗
make the fur fly 引发激烈争吵

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