I have got xxx as I said before
My friend who is my friend is twenty years
You know
They have supported all through my life
That why I xx
All of them are dead
Don't cheat
I think bla bla
Let me remember it
I personally believe
I can say that bla
Ask for consoutation
Actually Sometimes not all the time =it depends
You are similar to my mom both characters and appearances
Both of us are very organized and work hard
At present not very often
It is a very difficult question
If they like why not it depends
It is you turn I am not is
Urgent need
I have trouble with 色盲
I prefer to make
It is
Time is value
They are quite low cost /price
Expensive overtime
They are not my close time
Bookworm fitness
land expropriation and housing demolition农村征地拆迁
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