
1 选择 choice

2 信任 trust

3 惹某人生气 piss somebody off

4 空间 space

5 敢 dare

6 讨厌,憎恶 hate

7 欺骗,背叛 cheat

8 外遇 affair

9 小三 mistress, the other woman/man, lady friend, home wrecker


1 我不想当备胎。

I don't want to be the second choice.

2 我无法再相信你了。

I can't trust you anymore.

3 我信过你。

I believed you.

4 我需要些空间。

I need some space.

5 你一直在对我撒谎。

You've been lying to me all the time.

6 你到底有什么问题?

What's wrong with you?

7 你对我不忠。

You are cheating on me.

8 你怎么敢!

How dare you!

9 我出轨了。

I've been having an affair.

10 我不想再见到你了。

I don't want to see you anymore.


11 你就是个备胎。

You are just a back-up.

12 约翰是我的备胎。

John is my B-plan.

13 她把我当备胎。

She puts me on the beach.

14 我无法再相信他了。

I can't trust him anymore.

15 安妮攒不够学费钱,没法再去上学了。

Annie didn't get enough money for the tuition. She can't go to school.

16 只是我觉得我不会信任你了。

I just don't think I can trust you.

17 我信任过你。

I trusted you.

18 我需要更多的个人空间。

I need more personal space.

19 能跟我保持点距离吗?

May I have some space?

20 你总是对我撒谎。

You are always lying to me.

21 他究竟是什么毛病?

What the hell is wrong with him?

22 吉米到底有什么毛病?

What the heck is wrong with Jimmy?

23 他之前对我不忠。

He cheated on me.

24 詹姆斯对他的妻子不忠。

James is unfaithful to his wife.

25 你怎么可以这样!

How could you!

26 你怎么可以对我做出这种事!

How could you do this to me!

27 她是约翰的小三。

She's John's mistress.

28 他是个小三。

He is the other man.

29 我不想再跟你讲话了。

I don't want to talk to you anymore.

30 我们需要冷静一下。

We need to chill out.

31 你得冷静一下,不然我没法和你说话。

You need to calm down. Otherwise I can't talk to you.

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