1. so much as  = even  甚至

He left without so much as saying goodbye.

Every time I got so much as a cold, my mother took me to the doctor.

He had received not so much as a scratch in the accident.

If you mention it by so much as a whisper, I'll be sent packing. (被解雇)

2.  on second thought  转念一想

这个短语的出现,总是意味着 “主意的改变”。

on second thought   指“经重新考虑后”, “转念一想”

此短语一般写成 on second thoughts,  把 s 去掉是美国的用法。

I'll wait here. No, on second thghts, I'll come with you.

We decided to climb the mountain this winter, but on second thought realized that it was too dangerous.

On second thought, he decided to go alone.

On second thought, I won't have a beer, I'll have a whisky.

3.  have a clue  和  give a damn   


have a clue    表示“不知道,一无所知”

give a damn   表示 “毫不在乎,根本不在乎”

We have no clue as to where she went after she left home.

I don't give a damn about anything you might do.

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