At first, I don't know each other. Xu Si seems to be affectionate. Face each other before the cup. Love both eyes at the bottom of the flower.

Ask the old name vaguely. It implies the candle tonight.

Speaking of Simon Qingyang Wang-fu, she was intent on meeting her daughter. She said, "Qian Niang, you said to me that this was done. I will send you twelve pieces of silver."

Wang Po said, "Officials, listen to me, but it's the hardest word to"get light". How is"get light"? For example, nowadays it's commonly called"steal love". Five things need to be done. First, Pan'an's appearance. Second, donkey's commodity. Third, Deng Tong's general wealth. Fourth, young and young, Mianli needle. General soft money patience. Fifth, spare time. These five. Call "Pan Donkey Deng Xiao Lei." All of them. This will be achieved.

Ximen Qing said, "To tell you the truth, I have all these five things. The first one is that I can't compare with Pan'an. I can also afford it. The second one is that I spent my childhood wandering around three streets and two alleys. I also had good turtles. Third, my family also has a lot of money. Although not as good as Deng Tong, I have to live well. Fourth, I am most tolerant. He is convenient. Fifth, I have the most leisure time. Otherwise, how to be diligent. Qian Niang. You made it yourself. When it's complete, I'll thank you very much.

Wang Po said, "Officials. You say all five things. I know there's one more thing that bothers me. It's impossible to make it."

Simon Qing said, "Let's say something disturbs you."

Wang Po said, "Don't blame the old man for telling you the truth. But it's the hardest thing to get rid of. Ten percent. It's hard to make money up to nine cents and nine cents. I know you've always been stingy. If you don't want to mess up, you'll make money. That's the only thing that bothers you."

Simon Qing said, "It's easy. I just listen to your words."

Wang Po said, "If a senior official is willing to make money, he has a good idea. He has to meet the senior official and the daughter."

Simon Qing said, "There's a great idea at the end."

Wang Po laughed and said, "It's late today. Go back and discuss it in six months and three months."

Simon Qingyang said, "Qianniang, you Hussein Sarkozy. If you make yourself me, you will be rewarded."

Wang Po laughed and said, "Officials are in a panic again. Old people are not allowed to enter the temple of King Wucheng. Duan is like Sun Wuzi's teaching female soldiers. Eighty-nine books have been written. Today, I tell you the truth: the female's origin. Although she was born in the last few years, she has a hundred talents. She can play and sing with one hand. She points to female workers. Hundred songs. Shuangluxiang. Chess. Knows everything. Her nickname is Jinlian. Her maiden name is Pan. She was Pan Jie's daughter outside Nanmen. She was sold in Zhang Dahu's family to learn to play and sing. Later, because of her old age, she sent it out. Don't take Wu Da for a penny. Bai Bai and he are his wife. She can't wait for leisure. She used to sit idly with him when she was old. He also asked me to listen to him when he had something to do. He also called me Qianniang. Wuda went out early these two days. If the officials did this, they would buy a blue silk, a white silk, a white silk and twelve good cotton wool. They all came with the old man. The old man went over and asked him to borrow the calendar day. He asked the tailor to do it. If he saw me like that, he would not choose the date. When he did it with me, it ceased. If he happily said, "I'll do it for you." Don't call me a tailor. That's one point. I'll ask him to do it. I'll sew it for me. It's only two points. If he does it, I'll arrange some refreshments for him at noon. If he says it's not right, he'll go home and do it. When he did not speak, it was three minutes. You did not come that day until the third day. Around noon, you dressed up neatly. With cough as your name, you cried in front of the door, "Why don't you see Wang Qianyang in a row? I'll buy a cup of tea." I went out and invited you to sit in and have tea. If he sees you, he will. When he sat down, I said to my daughter, "This is the official of the donor of my clothes. Kill him." I exaggerated the many benefits of the official. If he doesn't, you will show off his needles and fingers. If he promised to talk to you, it would be five points. I said, "But it's hard for this woman to do it with me. Lose your two donors. One contributes money. The other contributes. Not the old people have different paths. It's rare for this woman to be here. Officials are the masters to pour water on her. Watered your hands."You took the money out and asked me to buy it. If he left, would I hold him back? It would be over. If he did not leave, things would be easy. That would be six cents. I took the money. When I went out, I said to him,"There is a lady to sit down with an official."If he got up and went home, I would never stop him. If he doesn't get up, that's all right. It's only seven cents. When I can buy something and put it on the table, I say, "Lady, tidy up your life and eat a glass of wine. It's rare for this official to have bad money." He won't eat with you at the same table. If he doesn't get up, that's all right. If he doesn't get up, that's all right. That's eight cents. When he's strong enough to eat, he'll be in Hong Kong. I'll push the way. I'll give you the wine. You'll take the money. I'll buy the wine and the fruit to make the wine. I'll pull the door shut. If he's anxious and runs home, it's over. If he's pulled the door by me, it's over. If he's not anxious. That's nine points. Only one point is owed. But it's difficult. Officials, you're in the room. They say some sweet words. But don't be mad. They go and disturb things. At that time, I don't care about you. First, you brush off a pair of seals on the table. Just push the seals. Pinch your hands on his feet. If he's bothering, he'll pinch them. Get up. I'll rescue you. It's over. It's never going to happen again. If he doesn't make a noise, it's all over. It's all done. How can you thank me?

Simon Qing listened to the happy way: "Although you can't afford to smoke pavilion. Qian Niang, you plan. You are a wonderful idea."

Wang Po said, "But don't forget to promise me twelve silver."

Simon Qing said, "You'll have to eat an orange peel. Don't forget Dongting Lake. This plan. When will Qianniang be possible?"

Mother-in-law said, "Only tonight will pay off. Now I'm taking advantage of Wuda's absence. I used to ask him to borrow calendar days. Tell him in detail. You're going to send silk and silk. It's going to be late."

Simon Qing said, "Qian Niang, this is my business. How dare I break my promise?"

After leaving the tea shop, she went to the street and bought three silk pieces and twelve clean water sponges. The family called Liang An'er to wrap them in felt bags. They were sent to the Wang Po's house all the time. The Wang Po received them happily and sent the boys back.

Wushan clouds and rains come in a few moments. Don't burden King Xiangxiang to build Chutai.

The woman went upstairs and sat down. The woman said, "How come these two days are not enough for poor families to eat tea?"

The woman said, "That's why I'm not happy these days. I'm lazy."

Wang Po said, "There are calendar days in the mother's house. Take a look at the old man. It's a dress-cutting day."

The woman said, "Qian Niang cut a lot of clothes."

Wang Po said, "It's because of ten illnesses and nine pains. I'm afraid some mountains and rivers will be low for a while. My son is not at home."

The woman said, "Why has Big Brother never been seen?"

Wang Po said, "That fellow is out with a guest. No message comes back. Old people are worrying day by day."

The woman said, "How old is Big Brother this year?"

Wang Po said, "That fellow is seventeen years old."

The woman said, "Why don't you find a relationship with him? You can replace Qian Niang."

Wang Po said, "Because of this, nobody in the family is waiting for the old man to come. Sooner or later, he will find another son for him. Wait for the old man to come. But then he will pay attention to it. Seeing that now the old man is only breathing and coughing in the daytime and night. His body is shattered. He can't fall asleep. It only hurts. He has to prepare his last clothes first. It's rare for a rich official to be there. Poor families eat tea. But all his house to see a doctor, buy a maid, talk to relatives, see the old man such a duty. No matter how big or small things care about the old man. He also gave the old clothes. Silk and silk watches are complete. There are a number of good cotton. At home for more than a year, can not do. This year, I feel bad. Do not want to bump into the leap moon again. After two days of idleness, the tailor was forced to do it again. He was only busy with his life. He refused to do it. The old man said he could not do it.

The woman listened and laughed and said, "I'm afraid the slave family is not happy with what they do. If not, the slave will be idle these days. What about going out with Qianniang?"

The lady listened. She laughed and said, "If a lady wants to do it with expensive hands, it's good to die when she's old. I've heard that a lady has a good finger and needle for a long time. I just don't dare to come to each other."

The woman said, "What's wrong with this? Since Xu Qianniang did it with Qianniang, she must give the calendar to others and pick up the good day of the zodiac. The slaves will start."

Wang Po said, "Lady Hugh pushes the old man into ignorance. The words in your poems and songs. You don't know much. How to show people calendar days?"The woman smiled and said, "The slave family has been out of school since childhood."

The mother-in-law said, "Say it. Say it."

Then she took the calendar and handed it to the woman. The woman took it in her hand. She looked at it once. She said, "Tomorrow is a sunset. The day after tomorrow is not good. Until the day outside and after Japan is the date of dress cutting."

The old lady once took her hand and hung it on the wall. She said, "If the old lady would like to do it with him, it would be a bit of a lucky star. Why choose a day? The old lady once thought it was a broken day. The old lady did not need a broken day to cut clothes. I don't fear him."

The woman said, "Let's go back to our birthday clothes. It's good to use the sunset."

Wang Po said, "If a woman is willing to do it, she is bold in her old age. She will only move a woman tomorrow. If she comes to the cold house, she will do it."

The woman said, "Why don't you come over and do it?"

Wang Po said, "Even old people have to look at their wives to make a living. They are afraid that nobody is at the door."

The woman said, "That's all. Nu will come after dinner tomorrow."

The mother-in-law thanked her a thousand times and went downstairs. She answered Siemens Qinghua that evening. She was sure to come the day after the appointment. There was nothing to say that night.

The next morning, Wang Mao cleaned up the room, prepared needles and thread, arranged tea, waited at home, and said Wu Dada had breakfast. She went out with a heavy burden. The woman hung the curtain. She ordered her children to watch the house. She walked through the back door to Wang Mao's house. The mother-in-law was very happy. She went into the room and sat down. She had a thick walnut pine. Son brewed tea and the woman ate it, wiped the table clean, and took out the silk and silk three pieces. The woman measured the length and cut it perfectly. The sewing was going up. The woman looked at it. She couldn't stop applauding, "Good method. Old body has lived for sixty or seventy years. It's really a good pin and finger in her eyes."

The woman sewed to the middle of the day. She arranged some drinks and meals for him. She also laid a chop of noodles to eat with the woman. Then she sewed a rest. She came the next night. She cleaned up her life. She went home. Wuda just carried a load into the door. The woman pulled the door down the curtain. Wuda entered the room. She saw her face reddish. She asked, "Where are you coming?"

The woman should say, "It's the Qianniang's place where I make my final clothes. I'll arrange some snacks and drinks for me to eat in the middle of the day."

Wu Da Dao: "You should not eat his talent. We also have a central and other place. He asked you to make clothes. You would come back and eat some snacks. It is not worth much. You would disturb him. When you do it tomorrow, you would bring some money with you. You would also buy some wine and food and salute him. As a saying goes, distant relatives are better than close neighbors. Don't be unkind. He would be unkind. When you refuse to return your courtesy, you take life home and do it with him.

It is:

Mother's cage is well designed. Big Lang is ignorant. He buys wine with money for dishonesty, but gives his wife away.

The woman listened to Wuda's words. She was speechless that night.

After dinner the next day, Wuda went out with a heavy burden. The woman went to his house to invite her. She took her life and sewed it. She busily ordered tea to eat tea with him. Looking at the sewing, the woman took out 300 yuan from her sleeve and said to her, "Qianniang, slave and you buy a drink to eat."

Wang Po said, "Ah, there's a truth. Old people and women live here. How to give money to a woman? The woman's wine and food. She won't hurt herself."

The woman said, "But the humble man ordered the slaves to come. If Qian Niang went out, she would just go home and become Qian Niang."

The woman listened and said, "Big Lang knows things directly. Now that the woman says so, get old and accept it."

The old lady was afraid of disturbing things. She bought good wine and delicious food with extra money. She treated her courteously. The officer heard that all women in the world are very delicate. She was carelessly indulged in ten or nine of them. She arranged refreshments and refreshments. She took a rest with the woman. Look at the evening. Thank you so much for returning.

After breakfast on the third day, Mrs. Wang went out only to Zhang Wuda. She walked through the back door and shouted, "Madam, old age is bold."

The woman answered from upstairs, "Slaves are here."

The two men met. They sat down in Grandma Wang's room and took their lives to sew. The lady ordered tea to eat. Needless to say, the lady looked at the sewing till noon. She said that Simon Qingba could not be sewn until this day. She chose her clothes and hats neatly and neatly. She was carrying three or five pairs of silver with her. She was carrying a fan sprinkled with Jinchuan in her hand. She swayed to Purple Stone Street. The head of the mother-in-law coughed and said, "Wang Qianniang, how can she not be seen for days?"

The woman went to see the doctor and answered, "Who is Wu called Lao Niang?"

"It's me," said Simon Qing.

The mother-in-law rushed out and looked. She laughed, "I only know who it is. It turned out to be a big official. You have come just right. Please go inside and have a look."

Drag Simon Qing's sleeves into the room. He said to the woman, "This is the official with the old clothes donor."

Simon Qing opened his eyes and looked at the woman: Yun Dui Cui. Flour begets spring. She wore a white cloth shirt, peach red skirt and blue Bijia. She was making clothes in the room. When she saw Simon Qing coming, she bowed her head. Simon Qing quickly bent forward and sang. The woman immediately put down her life. She returned Wanfu. The wife said, "It's rare for officials and old people." Duan Pi silk silk. Leave at home for more than a year. Never have to do it. Kill the neighbor's lady and make it all with the old body. The real cloth machine is like sewing. The sewing is good and dense. It's really rare. Officials. Come and have a look.

Simon Qing picked up his clothes and looked at them. While applauding, he said, "This lady. It's a good finger to pass on. It's a fairy way."

The woman bowed her head and laughed, "Officials should stop joking."

Simon Qing asked Wang Po, "Qian Niang. I dare not ask. Who is this woman in the house?"

Wang Po said, "Guess it."

"How can a little man guess?" said Simon Qing.

Wang Po laughed and said, "Sit down, sir. I told you."

Na Simen Qing sat down opposite the woman. The woman said, "Let the good friends know. You went down the eaves that day. You hit it right."

Simon Qing said, "It was on that day that I was hit by a fork pole in the front of the door. I don't know who was the lady in the house."

The woman especially lowered her head. She laughed and said, "The slaves collided by mistake that day. Officials should not blame it."

Simon Qing responded quickly, "Little people dare not."

Wang Po said, "It's this one. But it's the Big Woman."

Simon Qing said, "That's the case. The little man lost sight."

"You know this official, ma'am," said Wang Po because she was looking at the woman.

The woman said, "I don't know."

The mother-in-law said, "This official is a wealthy man in the county. The Xianggong of Zhixian also contacts him. He is called a senior official in Ximen. His family has ten thousand yuan of money. He opens a pharmacy in front of the county gate. His family has passed Beidou. Milk rots into barns. Yellow is gold. White is silver. Round is jewelry. There are also rhinoceros heads and elephant mouth. Zhongya, his wife, is also the matchmaker I mentioned. It's Miss Wu Qianhu. She was born with all kinds of talents.

Because of the question: "Officials, why don't poor families eat tea?"

Simon Qing said, "It's just that the little girl in the family has been ordered for several days. She can't be idle."

The mother-in-law said, "Who's the elder sister's home fixed? Why don't you invite old people to talk about matchmakers?"

Simon Qing said, "It has been decided by Chen Zhai, the family of Yang Tidu, the 800,000 Japanese Army in Tokyo. His son Chen Jingji is only seventeen years old. He still goes to school. He does not ask Qian Niang to match him. He has a literary sister-in-law over there to ask for posts. Here, I make Xue's sister-in-law, who sells Cuihua, who often walks around the house, to do Baoshan together. Say, Qian Niang is willing to go. Tomorrow we'll have a little tea. I'll have someone come to invite you."

The old lady laughed and said, "Old people coax big officials into playing tricks. My matchmaker is a son of a bitch. They say they don't have me when they get married. How can cooked meals be made for old people? As the saying goes,"When you get married tomorrow, old people will be in disorder for three or five days. Take some favors and go for a table and a half." Noodles. It's decent. How nice and aggressive.

One by one, the two said one by one. The mother-in-law only praised Simon Qing. Her mouth was noisy. The woman lowered her head and sewed.

Waterborne has always been a female. Beggars often steal from outsiders. Jinlian loves Simon Qing. Luxurious Spring is not free.

When Simon Qing saw Jinlian, she was kind and happy. She wished she could make a pair. Wang Po went to order two teas. She handed over a Simon Qing. One with a woman. She said, "The lady treats the officials with some tea."

Rotary looked at Simon Qing again. Touch his hand on his face. Simon Qing has known that it's five minutes away. Since ancient times, "Wine is a matchmaker. Wine is a color matchmaker." Wang Po said, "Officials don't come. Old people dare not go to the house to invite each other. One chance runs into the other. Both come just right. As the saying goes,"One guest does not bother two masters. Officials pay money." This woman is the one who contributes. Killing these two donors is not the way old people get tired of each other. It's rare for this woman to be here. Officials are good to be the master with old people. Take out some money to buy some wine and food. Wax your hands with the old woman. How about that?

Simon Qing said, "Little people can't see here. There's silver here."

Then she took it out of the bag. About one or two pieces. She handed it to the Royal mother-in-law. She offered food and wine. The woman said by the way, "No life is lost."

As she spoke, she did not leave. The king's mother-in-law took the silver. On her way out, she said, "There is a lady to sit down with the officials. I'll come as soon as I go."

The woman said, "Qian Niang has been spared."

But she did not leave. So she went out and left Simon Qing and the woman in the house.

This Simon Qing kept her eyes open. She only looked at the woman. The woman also peeped at Simon Qing. She bowed her head to make a living. Not long after, she bought a roast duck and goose. Cooked meat and delicate fruits. After returning, she filled all the dishes and put them on the table in the room. Looking at the woman's way, she said, "Madam, clean up her life and eat them." A glass of wine."

The woman said, "You eat with your officials. Slavery is not proper."

The woman said, "It's the woman who watered her hand. How can she say that?"

On the one hand, the dishes were placed in front of them. The three men sat down and poured the wine. Simon Qing picked up the wine and said, "Qian Niang treats his wife with a few full drinks."

The woman thanked her and said, "The slave's family is too shallow to eat."

Wang Po said, "The old man knows that Lao Zihong drinks. And please enjoy two."

The woman took the wine in her hand and told them all the blessings. Simon Qing picked up the seal and said, "Qian Niang advised my wife to have some dishes for me."

The handler picked by the woman came to eat with the woman. She poured wine three times in a row. The woman went to ironing the wine. Simon Qing said, "The little man dares not ask. How young is the woman?"

The woman bowed her head and said, "Twenty-five years old."

Simon Qing said, "When the lady comes to her humble home, she is also a dragon. He was on the fifteenth day of August."

The woman responded, "Compare heaven to earth. Kill slaves."

Wang Po then interposed, "What a delicate lady. She has a lot of cleverness. She has not failed to do a good job of sewing. Everyone knows all kinds of chess. She knows how to fold cards and characters. She can write all kinds of cards."

Simon Qing said, "But there they go to ask for it."

Wang Po said, "It's not the old man who says yes or no. There are many big officials'houses. There's a lady-like one there."

Simon Qing said, "That's all. It's hard to say a word. It's just that a small man has a poor life. He has never won a good home."

Wang Po said, "It's better for a senior official to be the first lady."

Simon Qing said, "Sue. If my ex-wife was there, she would have no owner. The house stood upright. Now there are three or five or seven people around who eat in vain. It doesn't matter."

The mother-in-law shouted, "Even I forgot. It's been years since there was no lady."

Ximen Qing said, "No way. Chen Shi, the little man's first wife, was born at a very young age, but he was a good substitute for me. Now unfortunately, he has not. After three years, he has married this humble man. He often suffers from illness. No matter what happens, the family's activities are all upside down. Why does the little man just come out? When he's at home, he has to. Vomiting.

The mother-in-law said, "Don't blame me me for being outspoken. You're the first lady and now the first lady. You don't have the needle and thread of this lady. This figure is the table."

Simon Qing said, "Even the people under the house are not as romantic as the lady."

The old lady laughed and said, "Officials. You live on the East Street of your house. How can you not invite old people to tea?"

Simon Qing said, "That's Zhang Xichun, who sings slow songs. I see him as a different person. I don't like him."

The mother-in-law also said, "Officials, you and Li Jiao-er in Goulan have been here for a long time."

Simon Qing said, "This man has married at home now. If he had to be in charge of his family, he would have corrected himself."

Wang Po said, "I have a good relationship with Zhuo Erjie."

Simon Qing said, "Don't talk about Zhuo Dier. I married at home and made a third house. Recently, I have a minor illness. But it's gone again."

The mother-in-law said, "Ye'a. Ye'a. If it's as good as a lady's, come to the house and say, what's the matter?"

Simon Qing said, "My father and mother are gone. I stand up for myself. Who dares not say a word?"

Wang Po said, "I'm playing with myself. I'm so eager that there is such a middle-ranking official's desire."

Simon Qing said, "Nothing can be done. I just hate my husband and wife's poor relationship. I don't bump into them."

Simon Qing and his mother-in-law said one after another. Wang Po said, "Just eat wine. But it's gone again. Officials should not blame the old man for his poor health. How about buying a bottle of wine?"

Simon Qing then went to the eggplant bag. There were three or four or two pieces of silver scattered in the bag. They were all with the Royal mother-in-law. He said, "Qian Niang, take them. When you want to eat, just take them. Many Qian Niang will take them."

The mother-in-law thanked her and got up. Looking at the pink powder, she drank for three minutes, stirred up her heart, and spoke from two different words. Both of them were interested. She only bowed her head and could not stand up. It was:

Eyes and eyebrows are endless. Marriage meets romance together. Wang Po has no other skill in bribery. She always talks with her tongue.

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