To Mia, My Ideal
When you smile in front of me, even talk to me, at the moment all the shadow in my heart is emblazed. I find my direction, my highway again. And I declare bravely that I am not scared of any problem confronting me.
I smile too, as I should do.
Though I was so shocked when you told me that there is a he in your heart, instead of feeling very sad or despaired, I kept my fingers crossed and gave best wishes to you as I promised.
It doesn’t mean that I will no longer think of you. One old saying for ever is in my heart, just like you: if you love her, you should make, at least wish her happy. Do you still remember the sentence I wrote on the blackboard yesterday?
“She is happy, which makes me happy too”.
There is no reason why to love or to be loved. I just go following my sense which seldom disappoints me. And I will keep this love any time, any where. My love to you does NOT mean occupying. Indeed, it is appreciating and motivating myself.
I know deeply there is little I can do to help you. I just seek and I won’t let pass any opportunity to make my ideal happy, which in turn, of course, comforts myself very much.
In the future, I will be proud to declare that I have an ideal friend who is just like the horizon. Though it is by no means that I can reach her, she is so fascinating that pulls me to go forward. Actually, I am making improvement every day. Moreover, I will also be so proud that once I am able to help my ideal, getting the true meaning of life. I was once in your heart.
At the same time, please let yourself trust that you have a dull but absolutely sincere friend who is taking you as an ideal.
Thank you
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